Author: Angelique Solorio Alvarez

How ATR Ensures Cultural Fit in Your Hiring

How do you make sure the people you’re hiring are the right people for your business? It’s an easy question to ask, but a very difficult one to answer. After all, it can singlehandedly shed light on inefficiencies in your interviewing, vetting, and onboarding processes. Given how common this question is, it’s clear that candidate […]

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An Excellent MBE Resource: The 2018 National Minority Supplier Development Council Conference

As the Chief Diversity Relations Officer of ATR, the fall season is always the most exciting time of the year for me because of the annual National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) conference. Last year, ATR International had the honor of receiving the prestigious Supplier of the Year award. As we look forward to returning […]

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4 Methods for Growing Your Minority-Owned Business

Minority-owned businesses such as ours face a lot of pressure. We’re often in the spotlight as representatives of an entire community. It takes hard work, as one mistake can be a blemish on other MBEs, which make up 29% of businesses in the U.S. As you focus on growing your minority-owned business, there are a […]

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The Undeniable Benefits of a Diverse Workplace

Many of us know the importance and benefits of diversity and the benefits of having a diverse supplier base. In addition to being good for the overall business community to support MBE’s and other entrepreneurial endeavors, there are real advantages to working with companies owned and operated by individuals with diverse backgrounds and experience.

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Class 4 MBEs – The NMSDC Needs You

Certification through the National Minority Supplier Diversity Council (NMSDC) brings many benefits. Most MBEs regardless of size see the benefit of attending the larger events such as the national conference, but I have noticed over the years that more of the smaller MBEs take advantage of our seminars and workshops for valuable training and networking. […]

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