Author: Angelique Solorio Alvarez

3 Supplier Diversity Program Best Practices to Drive Mutual Success

The benefits of having a diverse supply chain have been well-studied and documented, proving its positive impact on business success. Supplier diversity drives growth and profitability while contributing to a strong, organization-wide commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I).  People—whether they are potential customers, employees, or vendors—feel more positively about and are more likely to […]

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The National Minority Supplier Diversity Council Celebrates 50th Anniversary

The National Minority Supplier Diversity Council (NMSDC) is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Congratulations! That’s 50 years of advocating and supporting MBEs, helping them grow and reach their full potential, and building a more inclusive, equitable economy. The NMSDC and its 23 affiliates have connected more than 15,000 MBEs with more than 1,500 corporations to work […]

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5 Ways to Be an Ally in DE&I

“Ally” can be a noun or a verb, and thus has several meanings, including in a DE&I context. When I need a definition, my first step is to check Merriam-Webster, which did not disappoint in this case. Their definition of the word as it pertains to DE&I is one of the more elegant I have […]

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3 Proven Minority Business Resources for Growth and Success

Certification. Proposal. Supply Portal. These terms might strike fear in your heart if you’re familiar with them. But if you are a minority business trying to break into government and corporate supplier ranks, they are your best friends. And while they don’t necessarily suggest the most glamorous or fun parts of doing business, these terms […]

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