
The workplace is often undergoing transitions and adapting to the market, but when it comes to hiring, there is at least one constant: job descriptions. Reviled by many but a necessary tool. The format has evolved from paper to virtual, and content once considered standard is now verboten, but these descriptions are still essential.

As we welcome 2023, the words you choose may be more important than ever. Get it right and you’ll soon be interviewing qualified candidates and hiring a great fit for your company. Miss the mark, and you’ll end up wasting time, wading through people who aren’t a good match, thus increasing your time to hire.

Here are ten things you can do to upgrade your job postings and get better results in 2023.

  1. Tailor the description to the position, each and every time. This doesn’t necessarily mean a complete rewrite; some sections like culture and mission will remain mostly static, but wherever possible, include details and use language that relates to the position and the specific job responsibilities. And ask a current employee in the same or similar role to review it. They’ll be able to add things that are truly relevant.
  2. No whimsical or fancy titles. Chief Happiness Officer or Rockstar Marketer Specialist of any kind turn many candidates off. Save your personality for another area, like company culture. Keep in mind that SEO and keyword filters are the norm in a 2023 job search, and odd job titles could easily fall through the cracks.
  3. Start with an engaging overview or opening statement. Be brief and to the point. Stress the major function of the job and how it contributes to improving society or a specific issue. For example, an IT Project Manager at a pharma company is helping diabetics lead healthier lives; the accounting department is critical to promoting clean energy to help lower carbon emissions. Use inviting language – join, community, collaborate, united, etc.   
  4. Use clear, concise phrases and avoid jargon. Internal, company specific acronyms or categories can be confusing to outsiders. Be sure your terms are universally understood. Also, today’s candidates don’t want to read superlatives or corporate gobbledygook any more than you want to read “team player” or “self-starter.”
  5. Use inclusive language and eliminate bias. Seemingly benign words can cause someone to move on. Terms like ninja or digital native can imply the ideal candidate is a man or under the age of 30. Biased language limits your applicants. There are apps like Textio or people on your DEI team who can help you review and replace these.
  6. Emphasize and explain mission, culture, and values. Job applicants care. Most people want to work for a company who shares their values and strives for a culture and workplace that values and supports them. They will make decisions with this in mind.
  7. Discuss how this job connects and contributes to the overall goals of the company. Today’s job seeker wants to make a difference and feel proud. Your description should help them understand how their work is useful and important to your particular company and society in general wherever possible. 
  8. Explain how the job provides opportunities for growth and development. Salary is obviously a key concern, but the 2023 job seeker is looking for more. A job that will teach them new skills, expose them to unique challenges, and help them grow professionally is a real draw. Make sure your descriptions include this information.
  9. Include salary information. A controversial recommendation? Perhaps, but being transparent about salaries is becoming the norm, even the law in many cities and states. You won’t waste time with candidates who drop out as soon as they learn the pay scale, and you’ll be building trust from the get-go with your potential future employee.
  10. Create urgency and excitement. The competition for top talent is fierce and will remain so in 2023. Your job description is your first opportunity to create excitement about your company by including something like “hiring for January 15” or “Two months until project start date” can make a difference and get your job noticed. Keep to those deadlines though. Don’t lose the trust of your applicants. Plus, who wants a job open for too long anyway?

BONUS TIP: In 2023, it is imperative to be clear about where this job happens – work-from-home, onsite, or hybrid. Whatever you are doing, be honest. This continues to be a deal breaker for many people, which means you can attract or repel candidates with the info, but that’s ok. What’s more important is that you’re not wasting their time.

There you have it. Ten plus things you can do that will make a difference and ensure you are ready to attract the right candidates for new opportunities in 2023. But remember, it all starts with a great job description.

Have more questions? Reach out to our team today! Our knowledgeable recruiters are ready to help you find the people you need.

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