
Jerry_Brenholz.jpgPart 5 of our 5 part end-of-the-year series about the things we appreciate here at ATR.

In this final post of appreciation, it’s my turn to talk a little about what I appreciate about ATR. Since my wife Maria and I founded the company over 27 years ago there has been much to appreciate and this year is no different.

I am always thankful to work in an industry that I find so personally rewarding. It’s very satisfying to help people find work, to assist with such an important part of their life.  Their happiness is obvious and infectious.

And, of course, I appreciate our clients’ business, the trust they place in us to meet their contingent workforce needs. I also appreciate the chance to work with their companies and learn about the interesting work they are doing. Through my clients, I am exposed to new inventions, amazing breakthroughs, and cool projects, and the work that our contractors do makes us a small part of it too. I learn from our clients all the time, and I appreciate that. Our clients are, obviously very important to me and everyone else at ATR.

But I don’t distinguish between my clients and my employees if someone asks me who is the most important – it’s an unanswerable, irrelevant question. How, and why, rank them? They are equally important; without one there isn’t the other. I can’t possibly appreciate one more than the other.

What I appreciate is working with people who embody the core values of ATR – integrity, excellence, and respect for each other. I appreciate people who are honest, who have personal integrity, and pride in their work. I like people who make a commitment and keep it.  I am grateful to work with so many people, now and throughout the course of my career, that live and work according to these principles.

In essence, it is a commitment that is being made whether it is between two companies or when we hire someone to work for ATR. Our employees are making a commitment that they will come to work each day and perform their duties to the best of their abilities, with energy and enthusiasm. I make a commitment to them that I will reward them appropriately for their efforts.  This in turn allows me to keep my commitments – ATR’s commitments – to our clients to provide the services they need and deserve.

I appreciate all the people who kept their commitments this past year, to ATR, to each other, to our clients, to our contractors, to themselves. I appreciate that we all treat each with respect and act with dignity in all our dealings. Everyone deserves to be treated this way, and people who don’t meet this standard – whether they are an internal employee, a contractor, or a client, won’t last long with me.

And so, I want to thank our contractors for their trust, dedication and hard work. I also want to thank our clients. I appreciate working with those who share our commitment to respect for everyone and welcome our contractors as valued members of their teams.

But I especially want to thank my internal team. I appreciate that you conduct yourselves honorably and are steadfast in serving our clients. The work that you perform each day repeatedly demonstrates your commitment to excellence.

I want to particularly thank you all for your hard work this year.  The determination and pride that you bring to the office each day is inspiring. Your efforts, day in and day out, are what get things done. I am grateful again and again as I travel to our offices across the U.S. to see our values in action and to hear that you are all enthused and motivated to make 2016 the best year yet.

When you set your individual goals for the year, they all together become ATR’s goals. As you are personally successful, you make ATR a success. Thank you.

And to everyone – have a wonderful and happy New Year!

Jerry Brenholz
President and CEO

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