What a great time of year this is! Each day seems to bring another holiday treat to tempt us or party to attend. Lights twinkle and decorations brighten the scene everywhere. For most of us the season is filled with opportunities for fun with family and friends, and amidst all the festivities, it is a time for celebration and reflection. It is a time to count our blessings and to remember those less fortunate than us. This year for the first time, ATR worked with Toys for Tots. Founded by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, the organization collects unwrapped gifts during October, November and December and distributes them to children in the community.
Since its inception, Toys for Tots has distributed over 460 million toys! We served as a drop off center for our area this year, which means not only did we collect toys from our employees but other companies brought their donations too. Thanks Vander-Bend Manufacturing for the 5 boxes of toys! Because of the warm hearts of so many, there are toys on their way to deserving girls and boys!
There are many worthy charities that work to ensure that everyone, particularly every child, has a happy holiday with enough food to eat and presents to open. There are also organizations that work to meet many needs year round. Though things are better than they were several years ago economically, there are always many who struggle and who need our help. Giving to others ends up being a gift that you give yourself. I encourage everyone to contribute their time and/or money to their favorite organization, or, if you are looking for a charity to donate to, may I suggest Toys for Tots! Click here for a drop off location near you. Happy holidays everyone!
The ATR Team
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