In this time of uncertainty, one thing has proven certain. We are amazingly adaptable. We have adapted to a wildly changed world pretty quickly and with few complaints. Many of us have adapted to working at home, others to trying to “replace” teachers, and all of us to wearing new fashion accessories likes gloves and masks. But it’s not just individually that we’re adaptable.
Our businesses, large and small, are adapting too.
The stories abound. Fashion designers and clothes manufacturers, from haute couture to athletic wear, are now making masks, gowns, and other PPE for our first responders. Companies switched from producing whiskey and gin to hand sanitizer and disinfectant. Automakers are assembling precious ventilators instead of cars.
Fine dining establishments are feeding those on the front line in healthcare instead of celebrities. Instead of making shields for hockey and lacrosse helmets, manufacturers are creating them for PPE use. Medical personnel of all types are leaving their usual denizens to work on the front lines. The size and breadth of the effort is truly inspiring.
Are we surprised? In the staffing business, we meet talented people every day. Our consultants are smart, highly educated people with a wide range of experience in business. We work with companies ranging from startups to multinational corporations and we’ve seen up close how responsive these companies can be.
We’ve worked with thousands of consultants who make changes in their career, shift their focus, and take a different path. We’ve seen how people can switch industries or apply their talent and experience to a new position and new responsibilities with great success. We’ve seen how adaptable people are in their careers. We’ve also seen our clients adapt to business challenges, tackling problems and growth opportunities with equal skill and determination.
So no, we’re not surprised. We are inspired that there are so many of us adapting and repurposing across the country – really, the world.
We’ve been telling our clients how adaptable people are for years. In staffing, we all know the joke about the purple unicorn, the non-existent candidate that fulfills the long list of specific qualifications and experience clients often ask for. It’s understandable to hope for perfection but often unrealistic. More importantly, it’s unnecessary when people can adapt to new roles, new jobs, and new industries successfully as evidenced in part by the incredible response to the coronavirus emergency.
When this is over, and it will be over someday, let’s remember that smart, hardworking people, can do new things. Skilled workers are skilled workers. Smart people are smart people. They can apply their existing knowledge and experience in new situations. They can adapt and thrive. We should remember that when we are looking for people to fill positions in the future. In the meantime, we can simply be inspired by the example that we are all seeing, and setting, ourselves.
Looking for exceptional, adaptable talent? Reach out to us today.
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