
resumewritingtips.jpgWe match people to jobs.

That’s a very simple explanation of what it means to be in the staffing industry, but, hey, there’s nothing wrong with simple sometimes.

As part of doing this, the resume is a key tool for us. It’s how we first get to know you – what your skills are, what special knowledge you have, where you’ve worked and the kinds of experience you have. It’s a quick snapshot of your career that gives us an initial idea of whether you might be qualified for a particular position that we are trying to fill. It’s as simple as that.

And so we’re always encouraging you to send us your resume. Obviously we ask for it if you apply to a position we’ve posted on our site or a job board, or sent out an email about. But we also want you to just send us your resume, for no particular position at all. Because when we read your resume, we can tell a lot about you, jobwise. We can figure out what you might be right for.

First, we know about positions before you do, before you have a chance to see our posting and even know you want to apply. Second, we can often tell that you might be the right person for a position that you would not necessarily have considered for yourself. You’d be surprised how many people don’t appreciate how talented they are and how valuable their skills and experience are in the marketplace.

Click here to send us your resume. Our service is always free for job seekers.

We don’t just read a resume with one job in mind, or even only the open jobs we have at the moment – we’re thinking ahead too. When our recruiters read your resume, they’re not thinking just about their own clients either. At ATR we work as a team. Of course your resume is automatically entered into our proprietary database that gives everyone at ATR access to it. But it’s not uncommon for one recruiter to alert another directly if they find someone qualified that they have no opening for at the moment, but someone who has the qualifications that they know their fellow recruiter is looking for.

So when we say, “send us your resume and let us do the work,” we mean it. Let us search through our openings for the one(s) that fits your skills and experience. And if there isn’t a match today, rest assured we’ll be in touch as soon as there is one.

That’s a promise we know that we can keep – we’ve got data to back it up!

We track and analyze our data, and resume submissions on our website and monthly hires are two things we look at carefully. What the data shows is that month after month, hires come from resumes submitted both within the current month, as well as in prior ones.

This suggests several things. Just because you are not hired, or even contacted right away doesn’t mean you’re done. Our recruiters really do keep you in mind and when the right opportunity comes, they call. Once you’re in our database, recruiters other than the initial one who reviewed your resume can easily find you too, and they do. If you interview for and don’t get one position, another one will likely soon come along. The data also shows that when one assignment ends, we are successfully placing candidates in new assignments.

When we spoke with our recruiters, they backed these conclusions up. “Once I’ve seen someone’s resume and know they have the kind of experience our clients are looking for in general, I know that it’s only a matter of time before a position will open up. I’ve always got them in the back of my mind. The day comes when I open that certain requisition and I know who I want to call.” Others concurred telling Staffing 360 “When I see someone with good IT project management experience I know I want to remember their name. If I don’t have an open requisition today, I will soon enough.”

So send us your resume! Whether you’ve seen a specific position that interested you, or you’ve been thinking about making a change or at least exploring what’s out there, we can help. If you’re on a contract assignment at the moment but need to transition to a new one in the near future, we can help. Let us take a look at your resume – even if it isn’t totally up to date – and see if we have your next opportunity.

Whether there’s something right for you today or a match comes up a month from now, we review your resume with care and we keep looking and remember you when something right comes along.

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