
One of ATR’s goals is to be actively involved in the local community. One of the ways that ATR stays involved is through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Every year the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society raises funds nationwide to battle against blood cancers, and for the past several years ATR has helped with the rallying and the fund raising in San Jose, CA- and ATR employees have a great time in the process!

I had the privilege of being ATR’s Team Captain for this year’s Light the Night events. Our team worked hard. We raffled prizes, made cookies and goodies for bake sales, sold yogurt, hosted ice-cream socials, and even sponsored a root-beer float day. All of our hard work paid off! We were able to raise over $7,000 in contributions. On top of this, ATR made a generous corporate contribution to the cause, topping  ATR’s fund-raising at just over $15,000!

Then, on October 20th, 2012, everybody in the company was invited to participate in the culminating fund-raising event of the year, called Light the Night. During Light the Night, we walked with thousands of others in a march against blood cancers throughout downtown San Jose, CA. It was really heartwarming to see how many people in our community have been touched by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and be able to meet families who have benefited directly from our fund-raising. Here is a picture of our team at the event:

Light the Night 2012 

Aside from providing a great time with coworkers, family and friends, Light the Night 2012 was inspirational; the experience demonstrated how much good can be done when you set out to participate in something bigger than yourself. It definitely made me want to do an better job as Team Captain next year. If I had to summarize how I feel about Light the Night 2012, I wouldn’t know how to express how proud I am of our team and of ATR for what we did this year. The only thing I have left to say for now is, Light the Night 2013, here we come!

Margaret Bryden
Sr. HR Business Partner
ATR International

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